Importing Dial Plans

You can import Dial Plans and Dial Plan Rules from a comma-separated value (CSV) file on your local PC running the Web client.

For creating Dial Plans in a CSV file for import, see Creating Dial Plan Files for Import.
The CLI lets you import Dial Plans and Dial Plan rules from a file on a remote server, using the import-csv-from command under (config-voip)# sbc dial-plan. For more information, refer to the CLI Reference Guide.
To overwrite all existing Dial Plans with imported Dial Plan:
1. Open the Dial Plan table.
2. From the 'Action' drop-down menu, choose Import; the following dialog box appears:

3. Use the Browse button to select the Dial Plan file on your PC, and then click OK.
The file import feature only imports rules of Dial Plans that already exist in the Dial Plan table. If a Dial Plan in the file doesn't exist in the table, the specific Dial Plan is not imported.
Make sure that the names of the Dial Plans in the imported file are identical to the existing Dial Plan names in the Dial Plan table; otherwise, Dial Plans in the file with different names are not imported.
When importing a file, the rules in the imported file replace all existing rules of the corresponding Dial Plan. For existing Dial Plans in the Dial Plan table that are not listed in the imported file, the device deletes all their rules. For example, if the imported file contains only the Dial Plan "MyDialPlan1" and the device is currently configured with "MyDialPlan1" and "MyDialPlan2", the rules of "MyDialPlan1" in the imported file replace the rules of "MyDialPlan1" on the device, and the rules of "MyDialPlan2" on the device are deleted (the Dial Plan name itself remains).
To import Dial Plan rules for a specific Dial Plan:
1. Open the Dial Plan table.
2. Select the required Dial Plan, and then click the Dial Plan Rule link; the Dial Plan Rule table opens, displaying all the rules of the selected Dial Plan.
3. From the 'Action' drop-down menu, choose Import; the following dialog box appears:

4. Use the Browse button to select the Dial Plan file on your PC, and then click OK.

The rules in the imported file replace all existing rules of the specific Dial Plan.